Advertising FAQ

What is your reach?

The network has over 1.8 MILLION STREAMS and 250,000 IAB certified complete household downloads in the past calendar year. Growth is currently at an average of 8%. Each podcast has a substantial share of their geographical market.

What is the cost?

We charge a flat rate that costs less than one penny per complete listener download. The audience size, placement of your advertisement and scope of your campaign determines the flat rate. Our advertisers can spend as little as $350 per month for massive local exposure.

How does that compare to other options?

Our audience is in a specific geographic area because our podcasts target local listeners. Our sports podcasts target fanbases that have high audience concentrations in specific geographical areas. This allows businesses to target where they operate at a lower cost than advertisements through Facebook, Twitter, mailers, print ads, coupon magazines, billboards or any other local option.

What type of ads can I buy?

We run pre-produced or live read ads for your company that can be updated and changed weekly. We offer show sponsorships with logo placement on the podcast feed, regular social media promotion and links in the epsiode descriptions. We also have tiered pricing based upon when in the 30-minute podcast your ad runs. 

How do I pay for the ads?

You are billed at the end of each month. You can lock in a long-term contract or go month-to-month with a 30-day out clause. Payment can be taken online via bank transfer or credit card. You may also mail in payment.

How do I get started?

We can't wait to answer your questions and start driving customers to your business! 
Call us at 773-653-4398. Email us at [email protected].


A 9-Foot Homemade Oak Bar
Evergreen Park, IL 60805

About us

Local Chicagoland podcast network bringing over 1,000,000 annual listener streams per year to local listeners. "30 Minutes of Good, in a World of Dumb" from a 9-foot homemade oak bar in our basement.

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